Question for you… what if you could expand your online service provider or coaching biz past consistent $5K+ months? 

What if you could show up confidently everyday in your biz, make more money, & have a strategy you’re confident in?

Let me rephrase that... What if you knew exactly how to succeed in the online space as a service provider?

You start working with the most aligned clients, & feel worthy to pitch them four figure packages. 

You work through all your limiting beliefs holding your back from being that bad ass & money attracting queen you know yourself to be. 

You have the boundaries and time management in place to have freedom in your biz & life. 

You’re no longer stressing about the next paycheck coming in and you feel like a confident, empowered CEO. 

You know that in order to sign high ticket aligned clients, and make more money as a service provider or coach you have to believe in yourself, market, and sell your services.

But you feel overwhelmed with the online space and your direction. 

You might be asking yourself questions like...

How do I even create content or a marketing strategy?

Why does it seem like everyone around me is killing it, and I can’t seem to figure it out?

What are the best tech platforms to use?

How do I scale my business with ease?

How can I hit my income goals and make $5k+ months?

How do I change my mindset to succeed?

I’m so burnt out, how do I set boundaries?


How would that really change your life?

You’d feel CEO level confident in your biz everyday

You'd be able to hire a team to support you, or have an action plan for sustained growth

You’d have time and financial freedom to take some time off, become a digital nomad, or buy that nice seat on your flight

You’d feel confident and easeful in your business everyday knowing you’ve set the perfect boundaries and you’re providing an exceptional customer experience for your clients

You’d be creating a greater impact

You’d no longer feel like you’re working a 9-5

You'd be able to let go of hustle culture, and feel aligned in your business

I bet you’re thinking, “DAMN it sounds nice to learn tech, strategy, & marketing tools AND work on my mindset.”

Well friend, I’ve got something special for you


There are A LOT of group programs out there, but I find they’re missing a few things:

  • Mindset work through hypnotherapy to specifically target and eliminate limiting beliefs that arise as entrepreneurs.
  • A coach who has extensive experience as an online service provider and even scaled an OSP business beyond $10K months and provides unique, high level strategy, and tech support
  • Google Drive support to get feedback and suggestions on your packages, pricing, content & more

I chose to fill that gap because I’ve been there. I knew that it was possible to run a business without being burnt out, and show up confidently and empowered everyday.

And I knew the online service provider space could benefit from the magic of hypnotherapy, because we have to uncover & eliminate limiting beliefs at each new uplevel in our biz because if there’s a result we have not achieved yet in biz that we desire, there’s likely a limiting belief in the way.

Because you are worthy, of feeling good, stress free, and confident in your biz everyday. 

Here’s What’s Included:

17 Week Hybrid 1:1/Group Program
Monday- Friday Private Voxer Support
Group Calls Bi-Weekly W/ Special Guest Experts
Three 1:1 Calls W/ Addison (One Onboarding/goal planning call, One strategy focused call, and One Hypnotherapy/Mindset Call)
Tech vault of trainings Dripped modules, templates, worksheets, & more!
Weekly content review in Google Drive

Listen to Cynthia's Testimonial

Listen to Liz's Testimonial

I’m Addison! Your biz coach & Hypnotherapist.

I’m your go to for alignment in biz, stepping into your ceo power, launch strategy, and utilizing the subconscious mind to serve you in biz.

Confused about tech, systems, and strategy? I gotchu. Struggling with showing up as your authentic self? I gotchu. Feeling like an imposter or
nervous of your success? I gotchu.
You deserve to actually follow your WHY of your business & alignment is your ticket there. Working less, making more, attracting your ideal client effortlessly, feeling confident AF knowing you’re serving the hell out of your current clients, making a huge impact, and having all the freedom knowing if you take a step back your business isn’t suffering. Your success is inevitable love, and you can have it all.

The truth is being an entrepreneur is HARD work. I know because I spent the first 6 months of it feeling burnt out, hating the services and offers I was serving my clients with, and felt worried constantly about the income I was bringing in next month.

So I decided to dive DEEPER into my business, and figure where I went wrong, how I could create strategies to scale & build momentum, and attract my ideal clients.

I found that there were underlying limiting beliefs I was facing that were preventing me from showing up and attracting my ideal client, people pleasing tendencies that lead me to not set boundaries, and a lack of clarity in my strategy, ideal client, and marketing techniques.

That’s why I use my certification in hypnotherapy, and biz coaching to help you create a business that makes you feel empowered, lights you tf up, and helps you create massive income and make $$$.

Kimberly - Tech VA + Pinterest Manager

This offer is perfect for you if…

  • You want to create packages that light you up and set you up to scale
  • You want to have better knowledge of systems, time management, boundaries, & all things tech
  • You’re sick of working hourly, and want to have more time freedom
  • You want to learn from guest experts about human design, cycle syncing in business, SEO, content, pinterest, copywriting, workflows/automations, & more
  • You want to have a clear plan of action for your biz and feel confident about the next paycheck thats coming in your biz
  • You know that you have the potential to kill it online on social media, but have some fears about showing up as your sparkly, authentic self and want to work through it
  • You want a tailored approach to coaching with the community of like minded entrepreneurs
Let me answer some FAQs:
  • When are the calls?
    We ask all TVA students to submit their availability so that we can customize when the calls should be for the majority in the group! Right now most calls are held between 9:30am MST - 11:30am MST

    1:1 Calls are scheduled monthly through a link at your convenience
  • How many 1:1 calls are included?
    3 total 1:1 calls throughout the 4 months <3
  • What can I send in the drive for google drive support?
    My girls send me their packages, content for editing, pricing for feedback, canva guides, worksheets & more! It’s there to provide you HIGH level tailored support even outside of our 1:1 time calls every step of the way!
  • What is hypnotherapy, and how does it help me?
    Hypnotherapy deals with our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is about 95% of your mind (let that sink in.) It holds our emotions, beliefs, memories, perceptions, values, & also controls all our automatic body processes such as breathing, your heart beating, and digestion.

    Hypnosis is a temporary relaxation of the conscious mind through accessing the theta brain wave state to help us achieve a desired result by directly speaking to your subconscious mind. We are able to instill positive thoughts, and new beliefs directly into your subconscious mind. THUS, helping you move through things like: mild anxiety, imposter syndrome, being scared of success etc in business.
  • What we will cover:
    Module 1: Time management and boundaries
    Module 2: Pricing and packages
    Module 3: Social Media Success
    Module 4: Converting Content
    Module 5: Basic Business Systems & OBM resources
    Module 6: Project Management
    Module 7: Tailored Guest Expert
    Module 8: Human Design in Business
    Module 9: Tailored Guest Expert
    Module 10: All about launching & ways to scale

    BONUS trainings on:
    lead generation & engagement
    converting copy & sales pages
    pinterest, & more!

    Tech Vault:
    Trainings on:
    Workflows & Automations
  • How do the calls work?
    All group calls are at 3:30PM PST on Tuesdays bi-weekly
    1:1 Calls are scheduled monthly through a link at your convenience
  • What if I can't make it to the calls?
    We ask all TVA students to submit their availability so that we can customize when the calls should be for the majority in the group!
  • Is there 1:1 chat support or only group support?
    There is both! We have 1:1 chat support Monday - Thursday. However, we always encourage plugging into the community within TVA!
Ready to start your journey??


Contact info

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    $3,333 Pay In Full$3333.00
  • Preferred option
    $833.25 x 4 Monthly Payments4x $833.25
  • Preferred option
    $555.50 x 6 Monthly Payments6x $555.50
  • Preferred option
    $333.30 X 10 Monthly Payments10x $333.30

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Visionary Accelerator$0

All prices in USD