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Usually $300
Only $50
Usually $300
Most coaches will tell you to just show up and move the way your higest self would... but if you're not REPROGRAMMING YOUR MIND to actually become her, you'll end up ''showing up like her'' for a day, and then falling back into your old habits and spirals ... sound familiar?
Not to get all technical but 95% of your reality is created by your subconscious mind, in order to create the multiple six figure business, dream body, perfect partner, etc you're dreaming of - you have to reprogram that 95% to her.
Everyone tells you to become the "one" no one tells you how to go even bigger and actually make it happen... this is the 12 DAY CHALLENGE where you bridge the gap between where you are now -- and your evolved identity.
Over a year ago my life looked completely different. While my business was wildly successful there were parts of my life that were still unaligned. I was in an unfulfilling relationship, and there were just areas of my life that needed to change.
In September of 2023 I asked myself how the version of me who desired so deeply to be a wife would be showing up and living life. But I didn’t just ask myself that question. I started to reprogram as that person.
Shortly after I made some hard decisions that aligned with that, including a breakup.
By November 2nd I found my person, and just a few short months later I was engaged.
Then by October 2024 I was married. And this is just ONE area of my life that has evolved by this work.
The thing is that your life can rapidly change if you do this one thing. Instead of just asking yourself how you should show up to become your multiple six figure self and only halfway following through with the vision you have... reprogram as HER so you just are that person and watch your life change shortly after.
Why reprogram? Because your subconscious mind houses 95% of your overall day to day being and who you are. Without reprograming your mind wants to default to the old you and makes change hard and slow.
With reprogramming your mind sees potential and opportunity and makes change easy and FAST.
Stop trying to show up as HER and instead reprogram as HER.
This is exactly what we do together in Identity Evolution. A space for you to become the identity of the version of you that you want. This isn’t just for you if you want to build your business to multiple six-figures. This is for you if you want to excel in ALL areas of your life.
Better communication, better relationships, deeper relationships, more fulfilling life, more money, and more discipline.
This is for you if you want to hack your life to success.
What's included:
12 days of hypnosis audios dropped daily in a slack channel for you to listen to every day & access to keep those audios to evolve into a new identity again and again.
An action item that coincides with that audio to reprogram your mind but also take action in the body and go EVEN bigger towards your goals.
A portal where you can do the challenge a million times over if you want.
What we do together in hypnosis:
Day 1: Subconsciously create your new identity, map HER out utilizing the power of your subconscious mind.
Day 2-3 How you view yourself & Physical Health: Reprogram to healthy habits. Build a better body image, and get your subconscious on board with healthy eating and working out.
Day 4-5 How you view yourself & Family/Relationships: Strengthen what's already in your life, and then call in new loving people. This is where you attract your dream partner, and also identify your shadows preventing you from a fulfilling family life.
Day 6-8 How your View Yourself & Wealth and Money: Become your multiple six figure self by reprogramming as her. How would she think, breathe, act? How would she create content and who would she serve?
Day 9-10 How your View Yourself & Personal Growth: Build confidence, worthiness, and inevitable success through hypnosis. Leave feeling like the best damn thing to happen to this world and your clients. Feel unstoppable.
Day 11 How your View Yourself & Creating your new reality: envision with your action steps the brighter you. Put into practice what you have learned about yourself and create a blueprint using your subconscious for your future.
The more you envision the easier it becomes because what you can see you can achieve!
Day 12 Wrapping it all up: Create sustainable habits through hypnosis so your new identity and beliefs about yourself are lasting changes!
In addition to each new hypnosis audio you'll get an action step to implement that will help you INTEGRATE as her.
All prices in USD
All prices in USD